Tie to Clear Out the YouTube Crap

I’ve started to get rid of YouTube channels that can’t stick to a single topic. There are a number of atheist channels that have started producing a ton of political content.

I don’t want to watch it, therefore I am unsubscribing. I know why they’re doing it but I have zero interest in consuming it, therefore, they’re going into the dumpster.

Somehow, I don’t think I’m going to miss them.

A lot of channels do some political content and if it’s not a lot, I just ignore it. I don’t watch any of it. I just skip the video entirely. I’m there to watch atheist videos, nothing more. If I wanted to watch political crap, or social justice crap, I’d go looking for it. I don’t. I have zero interest.

Of course, I don’t  get to tell anyone what they can make, but I am completely in control of what I subscribe to and what I watch. Where a channel crosses the line, at least in my estimation, I just  go elsewhere. I don’t owe anyone any views and nobody owes me anything. I’m just clearing out the dead weight and for some channels, it’s  been a long time coming.

The first to go was Genetically Modified Skeptic, and the companion channel, The Anibot, which is run by his wife. Both routinely do political and social justice videos and I don’t want to watch those so… bye! To be honest, I wasn’t all that impressed with either of them anyhow, since they’re way too touchy-feely for my tastes. So two channels down. What else?

Rationality Rules just bit the big one because, likewise, he’s gone largely political. Some of the stuff he did was alright, but as time has gone on, it’s gotten more political and less atheist and while he’s welcome to make whatever he wants, I have zero interest in watching it. He lost my sub earlier today.

Holy Koolaid ought to go, not because his videos are too long or because they’re too political, but because he’s strayed into other realms of pseudo-science and I’m just not interested. I care about debunking religion, not talking about religion and that seems to be more of his shtick now.

There are some others that are flirting with getting dropped. Prophet of Zod, while he is in no way overtly political, his videos are just getting way too long. I don’t have time for much over a half hour and his are almost all longer than that. I just looked and I’ve only watched 2 of his videos in the last 6 months. I don’t know if it’s worthwhile to hang on when clearly, things aren’t going to improve.

Venaloid ought to just get dropped because he’s pretty much stopped making videos on his main channel. To be honest, I forgot I was even subscribed. Same with GrrMania because he’s stopped making anything, so what’s the point? Dallas Wade hasn’t made anything in over a year. I guess I should just cut them all and be done with it. Worldview Detective hardly makes anything and it’s getting too political as well so that ought to go as well. Same with Casually Debunked. No videos in a year, no reason to hang around. By that metric, Atheologica just went away for the same reason. No content, no sub.

It makes a dent just to get rid of people that are either no longer active or I don’t really want to see anymore. If you can’t keep your politics out of  your atheism, adios. I have a feeling a lot more are going to go the way of the dodo in coming months. I’m finding that I don’t honestly care that much.


2 thoughts on “Tie to Clear Out the YouTube Crap”

  1. re: Casually Debunked. No videos in a year, no reason to hang around. . . . .ha, ha, ha, ha. Yes.

    re: If you can’t keep your politics out of your atheism, adios. Politics seems to function just like a religion for so many. Politics and religion: both often consume people’s beliefs, values, and sense of community. Both evoke super strong emotions and loyalty, and involve rituals, symbols, and narratives that shape identity and, sadly, people will kill for identity. Really sad. If people wanted demonstrable/ objective truth with that same passion, the world would be a much different place.

    To me, how it functions sets the entire stage. Religion’s functions: security, comfort, “hope”, community, et.al. have nothing to do with the truth. For example: You can’t have security if the pope is not infallible. If he is screwing up left, right and center like everyone else. You can’t have comfort if the Bible is not inerrant (vs. just full of equally dated textual variants contradicting all over the place), et.al.

    These are defense mechanisms so you can stop searching for that hard road: truth, reality. It’s got nothing to do with searching for the truth. Otherwise, these folks would be out there questioning and probing and digging, but if any of them did that they’d be deconstructing their “faith” left, right and center.

    I’m sure you have seen that comic with the two lines and the two doors/ two signs. The one line is ten miles long and above it says: “Comforting Lies”; the other line has like three people in it and above its door it says: “Hard Truths.”

    1. Sadly, there are a lot of people who just exchange the religious cult for the political cult and continue on as if nothing had happened. I don’t accept that but I’m strongly in the “hard truths” line. Either deal with reality as it actually is or screw off. It’s not that hard!

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