Don’t Put Up With Anyone’s Shit

I’ve said before that I don’t care and I don’t. So here’s an example. My wife and I were just at the grocery store, picking up a couple of things. We got in the 15-or-less line and this bitch ahead of us had 47 things. She wasn’t even close. I saw the cashier’s screen when he was done. I know exactly what she had.

I muttered something to my wife and the lady turned around and was about to say something, but I gave her a look that made her shut up. TheĀ  bitch was completely in the wrong. If she’d have opened her mouth, I would have let her have it with both barrels.

Why are people such assholes? I’d really like to know.

This is hardly the first time I’ve dealt with this. It’s a constant thing and honestly, the people are almost always young. They think they’re special. They’ve been told since birth that they don’t have to follow the rules. Everyone will back down. Do whatever you want.

I won’t. Not now, not ever. Now the cashier didn’t have a choice. I’m sure they’ve been instructed not to make waves because they just want the money, but there was a long line behind us and she was just standing there on her phone, being rude to everyone because she just didn’t care.

She heard me and she wanted to say something. Go ahead, bitch. I dare you. Let’s see how well you do if you open your fool mouth.

Once she was gone, the guy behind me, who had 2 things, gave me a little clap. Not that it will matter because she’ll do it again and again because there is no real accountability for these fucktards.

At the same store, there’s a big sign outside that says “no pets”. People just ignore it. There was a guy in there when we were there walking his dogs through the aisles. Everyone is afraid to say something for fear they might scream and claim everyone else are racists or something stupid. Not me. Now in that instance, I didn’t because the guy was on his way out the door, but if I had been managing the store, I absolutely would have. It is ILLEGAL to do what they are doing. In fact, in California, it is a violation of penal code 365.7 to take your dogs anywhere not permitted, claiming that they are somehow service animals. They are not. That goes for you idiots with your emotional support animals. The penalty is $1000 per offense and up to 6 months in prison.

Too bad nobody calls them on it, right? I absolutely would, but I know that the cops would never hold them accountable because the police care more about how they look than they do in upholding the law. What’s the point of having laws if nobody will enforce them?

And we wonder why society is so screwed up these days? I’m not. I know exactly why.

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