It isn’t often that I agree with anyone on the left, but here, I do. It’s been a couple of years now, since the whining leftist mob has been trying to end support for Hogwarts Legacy, just because J.K. Rowling said something they didn’t like. She agrees with 99,9999% of everything else the far-left says, it’s just on this single issue that she happens to agree with the overwhelming majority of everyone else.
There’s actually a biological difference between men and women. Imagine that!
Granted, I’ve been laughing at the never-ending leftist cluster fuck that their whining has caused, Hogwarts Legacy is going to be one of the best selling games of 2023, it’s already the #1 selling game on every single platform out there. This is just the Streisand effect in action. Tons of people bought the game, even if they never want to play it, just because the regressive left won’t shut the hell up.
However, that’s not what this post is about. Rowling, in this instance at least, is absolutely correct. There are biological differences between regular and trans people. Legitimate trans people, I mean. There are people who are born with brains that are not well-suited for their bodies. It’s called gender dysphoria. It is a demonstrable medical condition. As such, I have no problem with modern medical science bringing your physical body closer to what your brain thinks is normal.
That’s bringing closer though. Not making you the opposite gender. That isn’t within our capacity, at least not yet and we need to stop fooling ourselves and thinking otherwise.
There are two and only two genders: male and female. There are some rare examples where things go really wrong and you get intersex people, but those are, sadly for the people who have those conditions, broken people. Birth defects and mutations happen. Deal with it. Some people are born with tails, that doesn’t make them an animal, no matter what furries would like to think. Some people are born with female brains and male bodies or vice versa, that doesn’t make them anything but what they are.
As I said, I am entirely fine in demonstrable cases with surgical sex reassignment being done. We’re just bringing them closer to the way that their brains are wired. Note, I said surgical. If you’re not actually changing your body in a permanent way, I don’t care. Chicks with dicks need not apply. And before you start to whine “I can’t afford it, that’s not fair!” stop. Life’s not fair. Society has no obligation to make you happy. This is being done for you, by you. Who pays for it is between you and your insurance company. Leave the rest of us out of it. That goes for any non-critical medical condition. Nobody should get boob enhancement on the taxpayer dime either. Even if you do have the surgery though, that doesn’t make you a biological whatever. Your genes dictate that, like it or not.
This comes up from time to time when atheists want to hate on Richard Dawkins for saying effectively the same thing. He’s a biologist. He knows that reality doesn’t change based on anyone’s feelings, nor should it. A man will be a man until the day they die, even if dressed up as a woman, even if they cut off their man-parts and give hormone treatments and surgical replicas of woman-parts. You can’t change genetics, at least not yet.
This is why the left doesn’t live in the real world. I’m all for trans-rights, so long as they are the same rights as everyone else has. I will treat you the way that you’ve earned. If you’re a nice person, I’ll treat you as a nice person. If not, I won’t. Your fee-fees don’t mean anything. If you want to change your body and your name and you’re a decent human being, I’ll probably go along with it, but it’s my choice. This whole “deadnaming” bullshit is right out. If someone says “My birth name was Joseph but I want to be called Josephine and you’d damn well better do it!” you’re going to be out of luck. I won’t call you either of them. I’ll call you asshole. You don’t get to dictate my speech. It’s my choice, not yours.
This is just one more reason I can’t stand the far left. Fuck ’em. I’ll do everything in my power to fight against them, just like I do for the religious right. Both sides absolutely suck. Just go watch videos of people harassing Twitch streamers who are trying to play the game. There are actual physical threats of violence going on. How long until one of them gets carried out?
Fuck the regressive left. Fuck every last one of them.