I Guess I Was Right!

Yesterday, Matt Dillahunty put up a video on his channel where is pulled his standard political whiny nonsense, the same stuff that I’ve pointed out many times in the past, and, amazingly, his entire comment section lit up and most people were saying the same thing that I’ve been saying for years!

I guess I was right all along!

First, here’s the link to the video, although it’s not really the video itself that’s worthwhile. Go look at the comments because a ton of people are reading Matt the riot act and good on them. You might have to click on “watch on YouTube” to get to the comments.Let’s get that out of the way first:

YouTube player

This is hardly the first video of this kind that he’s made and he always tries to play the victim, but that’s kind of an extremist thing, isn’t it? The far right does it, the far left does it. None of you are victims, you’re all idiots. You need to be personally responsible for the shit that you say and they don’t want to be.

Matt, when it comes to his political and social views, is a hypocrite. I’ve pointed out examples of that more times than I care to remember. This isn’t just “dog-pile on Matt” day though because most of them do it. This is something that’s been indoctrinated into them. It’s never their fault. It’s yours for daring not to agree!

I had to comment what I’d said many times before. Matt simply cannot be rational when it comes to his political and social views. He just freaks the fuck out and goes postal. Try calling any show he’s on and bringing up slavery in the Bible and then… disagree with him that slavery is always wrong. He doesn’t have a rational justification for that view. He’ll just scream at you and then hang up. He will rant for 10 minutes after you’re gone too. This is just a giant emotional bugaboo that he can’t get over. His views on slavery can never be open to debate. He can’t be wrong about gay people or trans rights or anything else. There is no room whatsoever for disagreement. He’s right, everyone else is wrong, so there.

He also can’t admit that it’s a problem. That is exactly what people dinged him on because he was being a complete hypocrite and that’s pretty standard for these people. I’m writing this right after the last part of my “Christians Under Attack?” video went live and that’s the same thing going on there. They can’t accept that they just might not be right all the time. So it’s got to be someone else’s fault! It certainly can’t be theirs, right?

Honestly, I am really surprised that so many other people can see the same thing. I thought it was only me, but apparently this is a pretty widely-held view. I don’t think for one second that Matt is going to change. I don’t think he’s going to read the comments on this video, and for all I know, it could have been happening on lots of his videos, I usually don’t read them, but I don’t know that he is capable of introspection on that level. I think he just really wants to believe.

I’d like to be wrong though. I think that he’s a generally smart guy who has been indoctrinated into a political cult. Lots of people have. Lots of people just want to believe too, but that’s not rational. You should only believe the things that are demonstrably true and far too many out there have zero interest in that. They’re after comfort, not fact. I’m after fact, not comfort. That’s why the world is as screwed up as it is. People are becoming dumb because dumb feels good.

That’s a really stupid way to go through life.

10 thoughts on “I Guess I Was Right!”

  1. re: People are becoming dumb because dumb feels good.

    Reality isn’t the way you wish things to be, nor the way they appear to be, but the way they actually are. Either we acknowledge reality and use it to our benefit, or it will automatically work against us. I don’t know why that is so, so hard, but it is. The really maddening thing is that people will accept reality easily in some cases and fight it hard in others but, as you well know, an accurate understanding of reality is the essential foundation for any good outcome.

    Success is achieved by people who deeply understand reality. The converse is also true: idealists who are not well-grounded in reality create problems, not progress.

    re: I’m after fact, not comfort.

    Most people fight seeing what’s true when it’s not what they want it to be. That’s bad, because it is more important to understand and deal with the bad stuff since the good stuff will take care of itself.

    What is real has substance and exists independently. Acknowledging and addressing difficult truths is essential for progress. It’s often the uncomfortable realities that drive the most significant changes and growth.

    re: It’s never their fault. It’s yours for daring not to agree! . . . .Matt simply cannot be rational when it comes to his political and social views. . . . .He’ll just scream at you and then hang up. He will rant for 10 minutes after you’re gone too. . . . .He’s right, everyone else is wrong, so there.

    As you know, when the response is that radical, it is coming from (it represents) something wild and unhealed in Matt and he is simply being triggered by his unresolved baggage. When they throw the entire pizza at you vs. just one slice, that usually represents wild, unhealed wounds Matt has not addressed.

    But yes, it is good to see so many folks disagreeing with Matt in the comments, but far too much time has been wasted, and I fear it may be too late to fix our increasingly complex problems. One of the reasons is that both sides may feel being honest and playing fair won’t work, which is really sad. Once people are dishonest (the JD Vance quote Matt spent time on); how can we get anywhere?

    1. People are just dumb animals. They aren’t using their brains to their full capacity because that’s difficult and we evolved to be lazy and stupid. Far too many people are satisfied doing the minimum amount of work and just getting by. I have no interest in being around those people. The older I get, the less willing I am to be around dumb people. I’m really sick of it.

      1. re: They aren’t using their brains to their full capacity because that’s difficult and we evolved to be lazy and stupid.

        Conserving energy was crucial for survival when food wasn’t always available but now, we have no real excuses.

        re: Far too many people are satisfied doing the minimum amount of work and just getting by.

        Yeah, it is true. That can really ruin things. Have you found any communities or groups where you feel more aligned with the people and their goals?

        1. It doesn’t stop people from doing what they were evolutionarily programmed to do. Just because it isn’t necessary doesn’t change your genes. That changes painfully slowly.

          1. re: Just because it isn’t necessary doesn’t change your genes. That changes painfully slowly.✅

            Yes, I guess that is true. If we had a rapidly changing environment, it would drive faster evolutionary responses but sadly, we do not. Especially since we have vast safety nets for lazy people/ lazy thinking. In fact, in so many cases it is still rewarded.  

          2. That’s the sad part. If stupidity was painful, we wouldn’t have so many stupid people. The fact that we make it easy for people to be stupid and continue to remain stupid, that just makes society a complete irrational cesspool and I am ever so sick of that.

  2. Exactly. And the effects of conformity on beliefs and attitudes are often even more injurious because people tend to associate with others who have similar beliefs to themselves. The ONLY way to substantiate a belief is to try hard to disprove it. But because like mixes with like, people are rarely exposed to counter-arguments to their more deeply held convictions, let alone to counter-evidence. Their beliefs conform to those of their associates: hence, there is little possibility of eliminating persistent errors.

      1. ✅Yeah, but it is hard not to be dumb. You really must be on guard and work on it because it is challenging to stay sharp and informed with so much information out there. You can always apply logic and reason but without being well informed, that overlay is lacking. It is not as bad as Socrates “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing” but the absence of facts is the gap where so, so many people just pour in all their fears, fantasies, desires.

        If the religious and others would only write what they know. That would leave them with a lot of free time!

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