I’m often critical of a lot of things that Matt Dillahunty says. Granted, I think he’s a skilled debater against a lot of religious topics and he deserves a fair bit of credit for that. Then, sadly, he leaves the reservation of reason when it comes to his social and philosophical views, which are not defensible, not evidence-based and not verifiable in any objective way.
Here comes another case of that.

Now most of the video is fine, go ahead and watch it. Everything he has to say about Mariology is spot-on. He gets full points for all of that. It isn’t until he gets down to the last 5 minutes where he goes on a rather ridiculous rant over the word “retard” that I’ve got a problem.
He accuses his opponent of surrounding himself with people who agree with what he thinks, ignoring the fact that Matt does the exact same thing. As with so many other issues, Matt sees the speck in the eyes of others and ignores the log in his own. William, his debate opponent, was reacting from his own specific religious views, assuming them to be correct a priori. So is Matt. He’s starting with the view that his own social, left-wing narrative is true, no evidence offered whatsoever, therefore it has to be true because it makes him happy to think so. He’s even excising words from his vocabulary for fear that someone, somewhere, might be offended, most likely, in someone else’s behalf.
Who cares?
Now I’ll agree that you shouldn’t insult someone for things they cannot control. You shouldn’t make fun of anyone because they’re short or tall, black or white, gay or straight, etc. These are not things that people have a choice over. I’ll call the religious idiots because they do have a choice. They choose to maintain beliefs, even after it’s been pointed out how irrational and indefensible it is. They’ve earned it. People with mental deficiencies have not. Still, you don’t get to police people’s language because it offends you, especially if you’re not even in the target group. It’s just another case of being a “white savior” that we see so often these days from the political far left. “You’re not smart enough to handle your own problems or know how to react without our help!” Yeah, screw you.
So no, Matt, you don’t get to indoctrinate people into “right think”, especially in the middle of a debate. I haven’t watched the debate because I find the topic of Mariology to be completely asinine, and maybe William was being a jerk, I have no clue, but Matt and his silly moral outrage have no place. This is just another case of the political left pointing fingers at the opposition while ignoring the fact that they’re doing the exact same thing wrong.
What else is new?